3. 今年度から加わった研究員を紹介します(A01班 Chengrui Changさん)

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今年度から加わった研究員を紹介します(A01班 Chengrui Changさん)

My name is Chengrui Chang and I am affiliated with the Department of Biomaterial Sciences, at the University of Tokyo. I obtained my Ph.D. at Kyoto University where I have been studying landslide problems. I joined the A01 group of the project as a postdoc in April 2022.

In my research, I am fascinated by large geophysical processes – earthquakes and landslides – how they move in a strikingly diverse range of slip behavior; whether/when/why a slow one might one day move rapidly; how friction works on complex, multiphase faults that move at the high slip rates. In the lab, I currently collaboratively study with other scientists on the rheology of breakable granular flows as analogs to faults. We work at the interface of geophysics, granular mechanics, and statistics to better characterize the behavior and response of natural systems. And I endeavor to both understand and mitigate natural hazards.